Thursday, September 11, 2014

Big Girl Things!

Friday, September 12th

Big news! A big marketing company has offered this foreigner a big girl job! Not that I have hardly any experience (or knowledge..) of sales & marketing, but I thought I’d apply anyway and they called me the next day for a meet and greet, which they then pushed me straight through to phase two (a 3 hour presentation about their company, phew!) and thennnn that evening (last night!) I got the ‘Congratulations!’ phone call!

It’s exciting because it’s all brand new for me! Which, yes, can be scary and intimidating and daunting to think about being successful with, but it is heaps of training and even some legitimate certification courses that they put me through, so if nothing else it will be such great experience to carry forward with me. Sales experience is so valuable to have! Especially when those sales are working with massive international companies like Optus, WWF, Billabong, the Paralympic team, HBSC, etc. (and we just signed on to work with the Lakers!).

I’m excited for the new challenge. I’m excited to be a student again. I’m excited to dress smart and feel ubër productive throughout the week. Of course I’m excited for real paychecks! To start making some actual money in a country with such high earning potential. Plus I can keep my weekend restaurant shifts if I'd like. It will probably mean rearranging some of the next few months I had planned out (like when I’ll start my 88 days of farm work), but I won’t want to get too ahead of myself until at least after my first day, haha.

It has been so nice to read the responses and the congrats from all of my best friends here and back home, and of course from my parents. My daddy especially, with his emails that always go straight to my heart, “there is no doubt in my mind with all of your attributes, you will excel at this opportunity. Good luck. I'm very proud of you just for trying. XOXO”

Cue mini pre-big-girl-job tear up! I’ll be okay! Today will be awesome! I’m sure my next post will be completely stressed and panicked and utterly lost, BUT for today, I am smiling and excited and ready to take on the sales marketing world!! :) xo!

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