Friday, October 3rd
It’s me and Old Man Canyon, Phantoms & Friends and a 5am
bus home. This is the first time I’ve noticed the strongest feeling of I can’t wait to get home. And that just
sends smiles inward as I breathe deeply and welcome the familiar (but rare)
acknowledging feeling of ‘home.’ Wollongong, my home. And how many times this
week during my 5-day work fieldtrip was I asked ‘Where abouts are you from?’
and I responded, time and time again, without hesitating in second thought,
‘We’re here this week from Wollongong!’ (when obviously they were referring to
my accent and my native homeland). I like this feeling. I like it a lot.
It always takes some time away to truly appreciate what’s
waiting back home for you (something else that is sending smiles through me,
the one that passed along this album in the first place).

Losing track of time, it’s a quick scoot to Younga for my AQ
AcroYoga class (!!!). What an afternoon! What wonderful participants! What
absolutely phenomenal instructors! Literally just a room full of happy, smiley,
trusting, welcoming, warm souls. It is challenging and exhilarating and
touchy-feely and I loved every second of it. And now I’m certain my future
hypothetical probably never existing husband must be a fellow yogi, willing and able to simply spend our lives
together beach-hopping this beautiful planet, lifting each other up in every
possible way. What an intimate practice it is. So, so stunning.
[That's me in red shorts!]
And as the 3-hour workshop comes to a close, we’ve finished
stretching and soothing and massaging each other, and our teachers (a gorgeous
couple themselves of course!) thank us for making the choice to be here today.
For finding that bravery to make that choice, “through benevolence, curiosity
and playfulness…” And that sits with me, eyes resting closed, palms facing up
over my legs pretzelled comfortably. Honoring the divine within ourselves, the
divine within each other. Benevolence,
curiosity and playfulness.
And shouldn’t this be how we approach all new experiences
and opportunities in our life? With each new relationship we form in this
world, whether that be with another individual, or simply between ourselves and
a new chosen journey, it should be embarked on with those three things. I
believe we will get the most out of this life with those three things. With the
desire to do good to others; goodwill and acts of kindness. Always with a
strong desire to learn or to know about new things (about everything!);
inquisitiveness, open-mindedness, innocent wonder. And finally with an
unwavering sense of humor, with pleasant lightheartedness. To stay spirited. Benevolence, curiosity and playfulness.
It is certainly all I ever want to do: be nice to people, be
full of wonder, flirt with all the possibilities of this world.
Sunday evening is a quick reorganization of my life,
refocusing on the work week ahead. By 10pm we’re in Bateman’s Bay and I am
utterly exhausted. Our holiday house sits right on the Bay, which makes for
some beautiful early morning training sessions for myself, as well as the brightest
night skies I’ve seen in a very long time (hardly any light pollution at all).
It’s such a comfort to know that no matter how many nights of the rest of my
life I spend looking upwards, this feeling of utter awe, of breathtaking wonder
will never wear. It’s a marvel that renews with each rotation of the planet.
Every single night, over and over and over, those stars still shock me.
And if ever for a moment I wonder if it will be a good idea
or not, I remind myself that this is my life: good or bad, it is all simply
something I will be able to write about later.
I’m not even totally sure where I am right now. I’m at a
layover bus stop, somewhere between Bateman’s Bay and Nowra. Some sleepy
Australian town resembling some other sleepy town I might picture to exist in
the Southern states, where things look old fashioned, and the variety store
kiddie corner is called Jolly Olly’s. Not knowing at all where I am, except
that it’s somewhere in Australia, makes me happier than anything else. Just
happy to be here, remembering all of
my previous lives and how much I wanted this here life. And so I did it and I
got it and I’m here and I’m well. I’m employed and I’m healthy and I’m socialized
and I’m still writing and I’m sitting in a warm ray of early morning sunshine.
I have opportunities only because I have created them for myself. I have
options because I have worked hard to gather them. I have another fantastic job
interview later today. I have a roommate (a great
friend) picking me up from the station to take us home. I have a warm bed to
fall into tonight. I have a record player waiting for me, a cold glass of
something sweet and a safe lap to rest my head.
I am thought of, considered, cared for.
I am so lucky. I am so grateful. Happy Friday, people. xx
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